The key to the practice of surat shabd yoga is not to be detained or led astray by any sights or sounds on the upward journey but to follow the celestial current to its terminal apex where all of creation has its transcendental source.
As Huzur Sawan Singh tells one of his Western disciples:
"When you sit [in meditation]... see that the mind is at rest and does not go out and unnecessarily think about other things.
当你就座(在禅思中)... 看到思想在休息,未曾窜逸且无须虑及其它。
When, by Repetition of the Names [Simran] with attention fixed in the eye focus, you have become unconscious of the body below the eyes, then your attention will catch the Sound Current.
Select the Sound resembling the church bell and discard all other sounds. Then slowly your soul will leave the body and collect in the eyes and become strong.
Then fix your attention in the biggest star, so much that you forget everything else except the Sound and the star.
Then this star will burst and you will see what is within and beyond. After crossing the star you will have to cross the sun and the moon [inner manifestations of light].
Then you will see the form of the Master. When that form becomes steady it will reply. This form will reply to all of your enquiries and guide you to higher stages...
These stars are of the first sky only, and Hindu philosophers will have spoken of seven skies [in universes of elevating degrees]...
After crossing the star, the sun and the moon you will see that form which will never leave you, not even for a moment.
" Finally, the soul, unencumbered by any bodies (gross, astral or causal), will merge with the Supreme, achieving a state that defies description. The drop merges in the ocean; the wave flows back to the sea; the "I" reunites with its source.
清海打坐的方法?? 观音
NADA YOGA - The Yoga of Sound
Nada Yoga
Bhakti Yoga
第一界 自然界(水,虫,风,海潮等,铃声最高)
第二界 嗡、云雷,鼓,钟的声音境界最高
第三界 小提琴
第四界 萧
第五界 苏格兰风笛、竖琴
第一句 优涅然扬 (光无暗)
第二句 嗡噶 (生、养、灭??造化)
第三句 日啊染噶 (大梵天)
第四句 叟航 (我与我父同一体)
第五句 萨他南 (真理)
JOT NIRANJAN The Lord of the 1st plane
ONKAR The form of Om. The Lord of the 2nd inner plane
RARANKAR The Lord of the 3rd inner plane
SOHANG "I am as Thou art." The Lord of the 4th inner plane
SAT NAAM True Name; Expression of Existence. Given to the Primal Sound Current as it comes into Being at the stage of Sach Khand. Another name for Sat Purush. The Lord of the 5th inner plane.
Five Names Mantra : Five holy names
jot niranjan Pure light (which means Lord Shiva's light) yo nie ran ian : light without shadow
Omkara Creator (same as " Om " The sound of Lord Visnu)
Raranga The Air of Lord Brahma
Soham I am He (which means "I'm in you, you are in me", the typical indication of impersonalism. Merge with the supreme or become one with the supreme. The impersonalists who know God only as the impersonal brahmajoti, the impersonal brahman.)
Sat Namm True Name (which means the true name of the Supreme God, but what name is it? It hasn't mentioned. But we should know that it is Krishna).
This same mantra is used by Sikism meditation, shahda yogists, there is no secret at all. The impersonalist know these names represent god only. For Shiva and Brahma, they are just demi-gods, not God.
The highest level of this path is to merge with the impersonal brahman. However, they do not have any real knowledge about the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Vaikuntha is the supreme goal.
Please Chant Hare Krishna and be Happy.
以上材料是不诤的事实,请有心人广为传播,一揭露清海的真实面目??她是佛教弟子吗? 她归依达赖喇嘛,归依格西南旺达吉,但是却背叛师门,违反三昧耶戒律,是要下金刚地狱的。 她背叛她的传法上师“他卡?辛格”,所以她传的观音法门早已经没有传承的力量了!!
她没有市场,弟子们都纷纷归依“师公”了!!) 她受了三坛大戒,却违背戒律,被她的依止师台湾圣严法师呵责逐出,自己还强词夺理,说自己是开悟的人!
她欺骗弟子说只要一停止念她传的五句就会沾染外界的业障,弄的弟子神经西西,怕人怕物,可笑可悲。 我亲自看到好几个修她法门的人都神经病了,她却信誓旦旦说她的法门不会出偏,可怕啊!又一个李某!
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